Smith & Agli's Potbelly Manor
Smith & Agli's Farmhouse

Smith & Agli's Potbelly Manor

Phone: 401-295-4241

Sir Wickford

We lost Wickford on Monday, February 6, 2017. He was only going to be 6 years old. It will take us some time to get over the big guy. We will miss him for a very long time.

On Saturday April 9, 2011 we traveled to veterinarian Dr. Ennis' farm in Connecticut to pick up the newest member of the Potbelly Manor family, a 3-day old bull calf!

Sir Wickford at approximately one month of age.

Scroll down to watch Wickford grow up. Clicking on the photos will enlarge them in a slideshow.

One day old

Homecoming and meeting Liz

Volunteer Jess and Wickford

Anne and Donnie feed Wickford his bottle

Wickford in the snow 1-22-2012

Audrey and Wickford share a good chin scratch

Audrey & Laura with Wickford at the 2012 Memorial Day parade

Audrey & Liz with Wickford

Wickford in the 2012 Memorial Day parade

Wickford and Laura in the 2012 Memorial Day parade

Uh oh, naughty Wickford breaks into the feed trailer...

The consequences of breaking into the feed trailer. Thank you Dr. Kneser for saving Wickford!

Audrey rides Wickford

Audrey rides Wickford

Wickford in training

Audrey rides Wickford with Laura's help

Audrey rides Wickford

Shane rides Wickford!

Shane rides Wickford

Shane rides Wickford

Shane rides Wickford

Wickford shows off his wooly winter coat

Wickford Memorial Day parade 2013

Wickford Memorial Day parade 2013

Sir Wickford at 5 years old, April 2016

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