Smith & Agli's Potbelly Manor
Smith & Agli's Farmhouse

Smith & Agli's Potbelly Manor

Phone: 401-295-4241

Bette Davis

Bette Davis the Magnificent!

Farewell Beloved Bette

Thursday December 9, 2010, a cold winter afternoon, Dr. Ennis came to the farm to help Bette journey over the Rainbow Bridge. Bette was recovering well from pneumonia when she developed a severe hemorrhage which Dr. Ennis told us was not treatable.

Bette passed in her pasture where she spent over 12 joyous years being spoiled by Audrey, Liz, many volunteers and countless visitors, in the company of her goat friends.

In good weather she received baths on a daily basis, chowing on apples while she enjoyed the water. When Audrey was away performing military service the volunteers knew to heed her strong instruction "Don't forget to wash my cow!"

If we were to assign a number to the lives Bette has touched in her 12+ years with us it would certainly be in excess of 100. Bette met volunteers of all ages at the gate and patiently stood while they felt her velvety hide, marveled at her majestic horns and praised her placid temperament.

Bette was a star, appearing in the annual Christmas cards; Audrey's car was even modeled after her (Cow car page). Audrey drives the cow car every day as a tribute to her beautiful cow.

From the beginning Bette was no ordinary cow. When born it was predicted that she wouldn't "amount to a hill of beans" - small, gangly, with a swayed back. Then she came to Potbelly Manor where she blossomed into the mischievous young lass. Games of hide and seek, kicking up her heels sending dirt flying! Bette doted over the goaties - she lined them up and gave them all baths; in return they would give her a good scratch with their horns.

Bette learned to put her feed bucket on her head when she was hungry and was known to open gates and let animals out when she felt like it. On a cold morning when the cow was in with the dogs and the pigs were in with the goats it would beg the question who was smarter, human or cow?

A reunion at the Rainbow Bridge

Animal communicator Karen Anderson states that when animals are ready to pass they often tell her they "are ready for an upgrade." They are ready to trade in their tired bodies and be reunited with their friends waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. They will play, rest and send their love to us while they wait patiently for us to join them.

As Bette Davis' eyes spot the other dearly departed Potbelly Manor furbabies at the Rainbow Bridge there will certainly be a loud and joyous reunion as beloved pigs, cats, dogs, llamas and horses greet her with glee.

Thank you

We thank Dr. Ennis for remaining on call during Bette's illness, for performing the last and most important medical task, for her medical prowess and skill in being of comfort to both human and animal. We thank all who shared their affection and unique gifts with Bette and are humbled by the outpouring of support after her passing. Bette had fans throughout the country and we know her message of peace and love will live on.

We blow kisses and send angel blessings on the wings of a butterfly to you Bette ... until we meet again.

Silly Bette plays with a stick!

Video of Bette's "Stick on My Head" game:

More apples!

Pleased to meet you!!!

Bette's lessons to the world:

  • Watch over your friends, especially if they are goats.
  • Welcome visitors into your pasture and stand patiently as they pour their hearts out to you.
  • Do not worry about always having a spotless appearance. A few pieces of hay hanging off you will not deter visitors.
  • Never refuse an apple (but check to make sure it doesn't have medication in it first!!).
  • Be especially cognizant of what the children tell you; they often have the secrets to life.
  • Do not be afraid to telepathically hypnotize your mommy into giving you more hay stretcher.
  • Greet anyone who gets up at 4 am to feed you with a loud "MOOOOOOOOO" to ensure they are awake (and that the neighbors are too).
  • Life is too short to be self conscious about having a stick or food bowl on your head.

Bette is an Ayrshire.

Ayrshire facts:

  • Ayrshires are red-and-white.
  • The red can range from light to mahogany to almost black.
  • The red is contained in small, jagged spots.
  • The number of spots can range from a few, as shown in the cow below, to covering the whole cow.
  • Ayrshires also have a long, straight face.
  • They have a wedgy body shape underneath, with a long, level back (or topline).
  • The Ayrshire is a practical breed because it consistently produces a fairly rich milk under almost any conditions.
  • Ayrshires have excellent grazing ability and can adapt to a wide variety of weather conditions.
  • The Ayrshire breed started in the southwest Scottish shire of Ayr.
  • The original cattle were probably scrub and Teeswater cattle.
  • Over time other cows were introduced.
  • By the end of the 1700s, the Ayrshire's characteristics were almost those of the modern Ayrshire.
  • The breed was formally recognized in 1814.
  • The first Ayrshires were imported into Connecticut in the late 1800s.

Miscellaneous Cow Facts:

  • The smallest type of cow is a breed called Dexter, which was bred a small size for household living.
  • Cows were domesticated about 5,000 years ago.
  • Cows can see color.
  • Cows can detect odors up to 5 miles away.
  • A 1,000 pound cow produces an average of 10 tons of manure a year.
  • Per day, a cow spends 6 hours eating and 8 hours chewing cud.
  • The average cow drinks about 30 gallons of water and eats about 95 pounds of feed per day.
  • A cow stands up and lies down about 14 times a day.
  • A cow's heart beats between 60 and 70 beats per minute.
  • Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.

Is it time to eat??

Oiy, do you have any food in that camera??

Hello, there's a bug in my tub

Sorry, no sharing!

Bette takes an apple

More apples from mom!

Oh oh, I've been caught

I'm innocent!!!!

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